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Quelling Fear of Video Mediation

Teddy Snyder October 26, 2020

Video mediation has shot to prominence recently as the best way to get to settlement—during a pandemic, and possibly afterwards as well. Your clients might feel nervous about using video mediation, and you might too. This CEB guidebook, Quelling Fear of Video Mediation, by Teddy Snyder, can set you up to use the medium wisely and successfully. Download CEB’s free guidebook and learn about the technical aspects of remote mediation, client preparation, best practices, and more. 

More Guidebooks

Customer Management Tips that Earn Trust and Referrals

Teresa Gutierrez

Customer Management Tips that Earn Trust and Referrals delivers specific client and case management practices that will increase the likelihood that a client will work with you again or refer you to a friend.

The Client Conversion System

Alay Yajnik

The Client Conversion System can help you better understand and communicate with potential clients. Eliminate deal-killing responses from potential clients and increase the percentage of your potential clients who become your actual clients.

The Savvy Lawyer’s Guide to Virtual Law Practice

Teresa Gutierrez

The Savvy Lawyer’s Guide to Virtual Law Practice gives you tips and pointers on increasing your efficiency, whether you virtually practice law only sometimes or all of the time. Learn how to be resourceful and master the nuances of virtual law practice management.

Increasing Customer Engagement During Challenging Times

David Mitroff

Stay top of mind with your connections! Leverage email marketing, virtual events, and virtual networking to increase engagement with your contacts and clients. This guidebook, Increasing Customer Engagement During Challenging Times, covers how to create loyalty from the very first point of contact, leverage email marketing and social media platforms to increase engagement, and use virtual networking to connect and engage.

Rising to the Call

Maria Hall, Tiela Chalmers

From COVID-19 to natural disasters to political protests, the last year brought challenges like we have never known. Your legal skills are needed to help our most vulnerable community members. Get tips from this free guidebook, Rising to the Call, on how to connect with statewide pro bono efforts and find free training opportunities in areas of law including housing, employment, government benefits, disaster relief and civil rights.

The One-Page Strategic Plan: Business Planning Made Simple

Alay Yajnik

Business planning can be time consuming to create and can become obsolete as situations change. This guidebook, The One-Page Strategic Plan: Business Planning Made Simple, teaches you strategic planning made simple, fast, and effective.

How to Network Like a Star

Anabella Bonfa, Gary Johnson

In this guidebook, How to Network Like a Star, Anabella Bonfa and Gary Johnson deliver great tips on how to transform your network and market your legal services, from reaching out to potential referral sources to closing the deal with potential clients.

Notarization in the Age of COVID

Eli Angote, Jeremy Ofseyer

As we continue to navigate changes posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, traditional methods of locating notaries have become less effective as businesses continue to work away from the physical office. CEB's guidebook, Notarization in the Age of COVID, has been developed to help attorneys navigate getting documents notarized virtually.

Law Firm Management, COVID-19, and Social Distancing

Beth Mora, Mary Grace Guzmán

Beth Mora and Mary Grace Guzmán lay out crucial considerations and offer solutions regarding lawyer's responsibilities to their employees and clients during the COVID-19 pandemic in this guidebook.

Getting Paid: Fee Agreements and Alternative Fee Structures

Jen Lee

Before you get clients to retain you, make sure you have sound practices and procedures for your fee agreements and billing structures. In this Business of Law guidebook, Getting Paid: Fee Agreements and Alternative Fee Structures, Jen Grondahl Lee,, gives you pointers on billing, flat fee agreements, and alternative fee structures to get away from the billable hour.

How to Speak Persuasively

Richard Bannin

As a lawyer, you can craft a compelling argument and appeal to your listener's intellect. But for people to hear what you say, you need to craft HOW you say it. Learn valuable techniques for engaging and persuading an audience in this guidebook, How to Speak Persuasively, Whether in Person or Remote.

Optimizing Your Online Legal Research

Stephanie Walker

Learn about mastering search filters, case law citators, and effective search terms in this free guidebook, Tips for Optimizing Your Online Legal Research, by CEB's Interim Head of Product, Stephanie Walker.

Digital Branding Basics for Lawyers

Anna Colibri

In this guidebook, Digital Branding Basics for Lawyers, Anna Colibri helps you understand how to give your practice an effective and appropriate brand.

Growing Your Law Business Online

David Mitroff

This guidebook, Strategies for Growing Your Law Firm Business Online, shows you how to leverage today’s data-driven approach to growing your business, focusing on finding connections and opportunities, not only clients.

Project Management Tools

Marie Spark

In this guidebook, Project Management Tools for Success, professional project manager Marie Spark details key project management tools for lawyers, including considerations and constraints, areas to focus on, and approaches that will lead to success.

Build a Successful Small Litigation Practice

Lewis Hudnell

In this guidebook, Strategies for Building a Successful Small Firm Litigation Practice, Lewis Hudnell covers strategies for starting your own practice, getting your first case, handling large and complex matters, growing your practice, and going toe-to-toe with big firms.

Building Professional Confidence

Amanda M. Rokita, Maria Hall, Pinky Ghuman

In this guidebook, Building Professional Confidence: Why and How, Maria Hall, Amanda M. Rokita, and Pinky Ghuman give invaluable guidance on building confidence, competence, and stretching beyond your comfort zone.

LinkedIn for Attorneys

Anabella Bonfa

If you're not taking advantage of LinkedIn, you're missing out! In this guidebook, LinkedIn for Attorneys: Creating Your Personal Brand and Writing Highly Visible Posts, trade secret attorney and experienced speaker Anabella Bonfa details how LinkedIn is ideal for creating a personal brand.

How to Communicate Persuasively

Mitch Jackson

If you're doing what every other lawyer is doing on social media, you're doing it wrong. In this guidebook, How to Communicate Persuasively—in Court and on Social Media, Mitch Jackson shows you how to create online content that's memorable, valuable, and establishes trust.

Soloing by Trial and Error

Mujdah Rahim

In this guidebook, Soloing by Trial and Error, Mujdah Rahim lays out how to set your law business up for success from the very start. Thoughtful planning and efficient procedures show, and are excellent client retention and marketing tools.

Building a Sustainable Solo Practice

Maria Hall, N. Micheli Quadros

Set yourself up for success with the support you need. In this guidebook, Building a Sustainable Community-Based Solo Law Practice, Maria Hall and Micheli Quadros lay out some of the things to consider before starting your own law firm.

Building a Brand

Jo-Anna Nieves

When you first hang your shingle, don't just blindly go after any client you can get. In this guidebook, Building a Brand: Measuring, Metrics, and Marketing, Jo-Anna Nieves walks you through how to define your law firm's purpose and plan for its future.

Finding Clients and Getting Paid

Jen Grondahl Lee

In this guidebook, Finding Clients and Getting Paid, Jen Grondahl Lee walks you through how to find clients who are looking for your services and, more importantly, how to convince them to pay you for advice.