Take the tedium and monotony out of California Judicial Council and County Forms.
Essential Forms has been the most widely used California Judicial Council Forms software for the past 30 years, and has been used by California attorneys to file more than 50 billion judicial filings. Essential Forms provides a reliable software solution for lawyers to easily and efficiently create, print, and store California Legal Forms, Judicial Council Forms and County Forms. Your annual subscription gives you the most up-to-date versions of judicial and county forms, weeks before they are available from public sources, so that you never run the risk of having a filing rejected because you used an out-of-date court form. NOTE: Essential Forms is a Windows-based program. CEB does not support running Essential Forms in a Macintosh operating system.
Complete county-specific California legal forms with the same ease and efficiency as you do the Judicial Council forms. Automatic updates ensure you never use an out-of-date county form. We know your practice isn’t isolated to one county. Get all your county level California legal forms and judicial forms your practice needs in one bundle:
Starting November 1, 2022, CEB will offer eFiling through an expanded partnership with Rapid Legal. You will still have the same great experience you rely on with Essential Forms to automate all your Judicial Council and County Forms. Starting November 1, 2022, when you’re ready to file your forms, you’ll download your forms and log into Rapid Legal to complete the eFiling process. With this new partnership, you will be able to easily eFile in 30 counties across California, with more to come.
And with your new Rapid Legal account, you’ll be able to take advantage of their full offering of litigation support services, including eFiling, eService, physical court filing, process serving, expert review, and more.