California is different. That’s why California lawyers turn to CEB for the nuanced, state-specific legal research and guidance they need to get the best results for their clients. All CEB content is created in collaboration with respected lawyers and judges across the state.
Explore legal software solutions from Continuing Education of the Bar
The complete California legal research solution
Turn research into results with the only California-specific legal know-how solution
Complete your California Bar MCLE requirements quickly and effectively.
Unlimited 24/7 on demand programs.
25 hours sold in practice area packages.
6 or 12 hours of programs.
As a self-supporting organization part of the University of California, Continuing Education of the Bar has 75+ years of service to the legal community. Read about our journey from post-WWII beginnings to today’s premier authority on legal research, practical guidance, and education.
Create and eFile California Judicial Council forms & county forms.
The single titles that best fit your practice, in print or online.
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